

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meme-Seven Things You Don't Know About Me

I don’t usually participate in a meme because I'm rather shy about receiving the attention. Then, why do I blog? I do like to research, garden, travel and share tips and information. I'm an information addict. Perhaps that's what drives me to blog.

Nonetheless, rules are made to be broken once in awhile, so I humbly accept this meme from Helen Yoest at Gardening with Confidence™ with thanks. I also thank Helen for letting me (she will now know) shamelessly copy the following explanation of this meme:

There were conditions with this Meme award. In order to participate I needed to:

  1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.

  2. Reveal seven things about yourself.

  3. Choose seven other blogs to nominate, and post a link to them. There are so many good ones, this is difficult.

  4. Let each of your choices know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

  5. And finally, let the tagger know, when your post is up.

The Seven Things About Me

  1. Please pronounce my first name as Fred-ah instead of Freed-ah. I get really annoyed when people mispronounce my first name, especially after I've told them three times. If you can't keep it straight, just continue to call me Cameron.

  2. I don't like to have my photo taken. Does anyone?

  3. I celebrated my 21st birthday in Moscow, Russia when it was still the USSR. That was a long time ago, but that's as close as I'll get to revealing my true age on the internet.

  4. I used to breed and raise Arabian horses.

  5. The most unexpected phone call that I ever got in my life was from Princess Alia bint Al Hussein, the daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan.

  6. The strangest thing that ever happened was when my 5 month old puppy dropped a lost necklace at my feet. I had lost it outside the week before. I always smile when I remember that sweet dog, now long gone.

  7. My future wishes - I'd love to live in France for one year. Of course, I'd also like to be fluent in French, really fluent. I'd love to be a real photographer, instead of a person with a camera.

Seven Other Blogs (wish I could select 100):

  1. Hoe and Shovel I am fascinated by the tropical gardens created by Meems in Florida. A garden paradise.

  2. Perennial Garden Lover What Racquel grows, I can probably grow in my zone. She puts together interesting combos that always appeal to me.

  3. Our French Garden in the Beautiful Dordogne Okay, I would live in France if I could. I get my garden and France "fix" by visiting Rob's blog.

  4. Creating Our Eden Collections of beautiful irises and daylilies displayed with exquisite taste in the gardens of Randy and Jamie.

  5. Garden Endeavors Great photographer, gardener and nature lover. Patsi sent me a lot of seeds that are now flowering in my garden.

  6. Secrets of a Seed Scatterer I've learned so much from Nell Jean, who I "met" on a cottage garden forum several years ago. A very wise garden mentor.

  7. Clay and Limestone Through the challenges of gardening under difficult conditions, Gail is so poetic with her stories and divine garden. Jane Austen would approve.


If I could be anywhere right now... it would be back in Paris, looking over the Siene...


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