

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

~*Kitchen Tour, Part 3*~

Good morning from snowy Southwestern PA...we really got hit with some snow yesterday! The snow we had last week finally left and then God decided to send more our's pretty, but I've had enough to last me for awhile! We have two ski resorts near us (Seven Springs and Hidden Valley) and I'm sure they are happy with the snow!
Welcome to part 3 of my kitchen tour...I thought I'd share the signs/words that I have in my kitchen...Enjoy!

I wanted to share this picture of my Christmas cactus...isn't it pretty? Gretchen from Bird Nest Cottage shared that if you keep your cactus in a dark place it will not bloom...I did not know that...I'm going to have to try that next year.
Thanks for stopping by...I always enjoy your visits!
Thank you all for your sweet comments on my new curtains...I'm so happy with them...they remind me of something my dear Gram would have had in her kitchen. I really cherish the time I had with her and even though she's been gone 23 years I still miss her so much!


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