

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hello friends, I can't believe how quickly the days go by...I didn't realize that I hadn't posted anything since last Friday. Things have been pretty busy around our home. The carpenters are finishing up our siding and new windows. There is still a little painting to do and when that is all completed I will be sure and post pictures. My favorite window is the one above my kitchen sink. It's bigger than the previous one so now I can look out the window without standing on my tiptoes! Can't wait to show you that window.
Our church is getting ready for their annual bazaar which is always held the first Saturday in June. Those who donate items or help with the set up are able to make purchases prior to the sale. I found this sweet Mother cup and knew that it had to come home with me. I also found a Pampered Chef stoneware baker. There were many other items that I could have purchased but I'm waiting until Saturday.
Thank you all for your sweet comments about my dear Mom's Bible and my flea market freebies. I love being able to share these things with you!


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