

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A perfect fall day with Michele of Hello Lovely...

Good Thursday morning lovely readers! Today my fair readers you are in for a fabulous treat. Sit back and allow lovely Michele of Hello Lovely to take you away on her special and picture perfect fall day. We all know and love this special rocker mama who amongst many other talents, sings, paints, decorates, cooks and writes like nobody's business. Did I mention she is the lead singer in her very own garage band!

I have concluded there's nothing this pretty lady cannot do! And to boot she is one heck of a nice person, who always has something kind and witty to say. I am a big fan and I think you will be too after reading all about her perfect day. Enough of me, Michele.....take it away!


One word that comes to mind when I think of fall……natural beauty

One of the most wonderful things about fall is.......the gift of not having to repeat 7th grade, APPLES, and the changing colors we enjoy in the midwest

 My favorite fall color is....all

 On a perfect fall day, I would wake up at......first light

To the sound of…………sons playing guitar and singing

The view from my window looks something like this....gorgeous

The ideal fall weather could be described this way.........low wind and perfect for a hoodie and love

My ideal morning activity would be………creating a painting or a song that will bring happiness

This is a fall outfit you might see me in…………black and comfy

A favorite product (beauty or otherwise) I like to use as the weather gets nippier…………Clarin's After Sun Self Tanning Moisturizer (for a little golden color)

For a fall breakfast I would indulge in………french toast, fresh fruit, vanilla yogurt, and hot chocolate.

My favorite daytime activity in the fall is…………visiting the apple orchard or curling up with a book

Here's whats on my plate for lunch.......chicken orzo soup, baguette with butter, wild berry

Around 3pm you might find me…………making my gooey sourdough cinnamon bread with friends in the kitchen who laugh easily and accept me for the hormonal vixen i am

An afternoon "pick me up" snack might just be........dark chocolate.

For dinner you might find this cooking on the stove........pesto lasagne, bruschetta, and roasted vegetables for a dinner party

The perfect way to end a perfect fall day would be………………..a rustic Italian dinner party with good cheeses, amaretto sours, and triple chocolate tiramisu followed by a candlelit concert from my band, with booty shakin and laughing into the wee hours.

Thank you for having me, thoughtful enchanted friend!

See told you she is "all that"! And in case you are wondering about the beautiful "model" up there swathed in black gorgeousness, it is in fact Michele herself.  How can you not like her? Love this post...her ideas of gooey sourdough bread, the boisterous laughter of friends and guitar strumming filling the air and that perfect fall meal has my name all over it...what time should I be over? And funny, I have used that Clarins product for years ( great secret weapon)! Michele, you rock in  more ways than one...thanks for swinging by and sharing your beautiful take on a perfect fall day with us! For those of who who need more Michele, click here to visit here at Hello Lovely. Thanks to everyone for stopping in...and wishing you a perfect fall day too!


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