

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Friday and we have a winner!

Hi there...boy, this week flew! So any exciting plans or your  weekend? We are going for dinner with old friends (looking so forward) and invited to a rooftop BBQ party in NYC (should be fun)! I am thrilled to announce a winner for the beautiful and very functional Bavarian bread board. Using, the lucky winner is...... 

Prize IDWinner IDPublic InfoPrivate InfoRandom Sorting IDWeight
1: bread board3351727sherri
Please contact me at to arrange for your bread board to ship!

I am excited to be adding some wonderful new finds to my online shop. At its onset, I said I would not sell anything I wouldn't put or love to have in my own home and this is so true. I truly love each and every item I sell. One thing I have a bit of a fetish for is wonderful linens, textiles,etc......just love them!  I am especially fond of ones that are French. So when I find them I grab them for my own kitchen. Ironically they are not so easy to find. So naturally I was thrilled to discover a wonderful connection and am even happier to announce that I will be carrying them in my online store. Beautiful textiles from France! I will be carrying the bar and dish towels and sets of placemats to start. I may eventually carry tablecloths and runners too. These are wonderful and  chic accents  for any kitchen. Check them out......

They are so great looking, some hang them too!

Love the set of 6 assorted placemats, this is the Burgundy Collection..tres chic!

Moving my pretty chair for my bathroom! I am going to recover the plain white cushion in a fabric and for now just draped my window treatment fabric over it..have to say I really love the chair.  Also you will notice the pictures are many sizes, I am experimenting with sometimes posting larger pictures. I do like seeing pictures in big sizes, what do you think/like? Take a look....

Isn't it pretty? I have always loved the idea of a pretty French chair in a bathroom. I could add the same fabric to the cushion and contrast it with the gingham that i have on the underside of the window treatment. It has come out exactly as I had hoped.

So......remember my little rosettes for the  mirror project? Well, I like to torture myself and found yet another possibility, this one in a very similar "nickel" finish. I decided as long as I was splurging at 3.99 for 3........I might as well try them all! Interestingly enough, I think I really like the original choice but would love to know what you think!! Here they are......
Original choice at top, darker lower left and nickel-y one bottom right

The originals

The darker,

The darker to me feels too dark and I am not feeling the silver, what are your thoughts?

Heres the original again......just ignore the wire in the middle:)

Starting to think about my dining room..the poor empty neglected room that it is. So heres our rug and a chinoiserie paper Alexis Hampton used in a New Orleans home that I always go back to.....think maybe doing it a little less busy but those same soft, warm colors and maybe the palest blue silk billow drapes, you know ginger jars are part of the picture and heres the Ralph Lauren chandelier we got.........

Last I was going through my seemingly endless number of boxes still to be unpacked and came across something I wanted to share. I have always been a pretty creative person. One year I wanted to make a special card for a dear friends birthday and looked high and low and couldn't find it, so I made one. Someone saw it and fell in love and asked if I could make a birth announcement card for her daughter. I took her on and the rest is history. I had fun off and on for about a year with my little card business, took them to a few local boutiques all of whom started carrying them and I started getting orders. Many orders. 
I truly honestly enjoyed every moment of making them. Even when I had 200 or 300 to complete. It was all me, no helpers, no staff, no wing men. Sometimes I worked until the wee hours of the morning to fulfill an order that was due the next day. It could have grown into something more...but then my kids kept me busy and we decided to move and you know what happened then! The next four years of my life took over with not a spare minute. But I must say I really miss my little cards and seeing item brought back some wonderful memories. I hope I find some of the ones I did for Halloween and Thanksgiving parties, a great one I did for someones 50th and yet another for a big anniversary party. Its awfully gratifying to play a role in a happy occasion for someone..........

So thats whats up on this Friday. Wishing you a wonderful day and a superb weekend. Isn't it crazy that we are down to the last weekend before Labor day!! Holy moly.......where did the time go? I just cannot believe its about time for fall! Lets savor and cherish these quickly vanishing summer days while we can......


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