

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mid week musings.....

Hi, hope everyone had a safe and happy July 4th! Well, I feel quite well rested having been at the beach for a few was a nice break to do absolutely nothing but meet up with friends, indulge in a lobster eating binge on July 4th,  take long strolls on the beach,kick back and just hang.....I am so relaxed and at my absolute best by the beach, how about you? What is your favorite place and where are you most at peace? What did you do for July 4th, anything worth talking about? Our weather despite a mixed forecast turned out to be spectacular, just a perfect  way to spend July 4th.....You know I always like to include some pictures from the beach so here they are........
A sure sign we are on our way.......the inevitable traffic jam!
But then you have the pretty vineyards to distract you!

And of course the gorgeous water all around you....

Patriotism was abound all over the Hamptons!

The beautiful charming buildings of East Hampton are always a welcome sight

As is the lake in the front of the village

But best part is finally arriving after sitting in a few hours of traffic!

And of course you know I love my trips to the local farm stand where natures bounty is as its best.....

And a perfect summer sunset to be enjoyed on the deck.....

Also thought I would share with you some of the beautiful with a capital B urns and planters I received last week. Some for me and a some were orders. I LOVE this line that I carry and am going to definitely expand with what I offer from them in the fall. Check it out.....

Bought some beautiful white/pale pink hydrangeas, wilting away in the sun but nothing a big dose of water can't cure!

Though the square planters that my landscaper insisted I try are not staying,(he said he is picking them up sometime in the next week or two) I placed this lower pretty containers in front and I actually like the way they look, think with a big planter behind it...its quite pretty.

The hydrangea all perked up (this planter is really wide about 26" wide)

And on my console in hallway and console in living room placed these beautiful urns planted with orchids ....

Placed this one on my console in the family room

And by the pool.......this was all part of the original house. We haven't done much here other than clean it up/paint. So for now little touches like planters and such will have to suffice.

This looks so old...and to think I can pick it up with one hand!

Best part is I am going to start adding many of these planters to my existing inventory and will soon be adding them to my online store! Its a very special line and the fact that you can keep these out year round and they look so beautiful makes them a keeper in my book!

And added two very large ginger jars (from my old house) to my living room likey!

With lights on!

So that's whats new and exciting around here.....we are off again this weekend to a lacrosse tournament. So I will not be around for the next three days, but will be back on Monday and look forward to catching up, so hard to believe we are heading into the second week of July! To me the kiss of death is when I start seeing the local stores whip out the back to school supplies....(insert Jaws music here), it literally makes my knees buckle when I see it because it signifies summers end is not so far away:( So let's enjoy it while you can!



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