

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things I am loving Thursday and house updates!

Good morning, boy this week is going by fast. Hope you are having a good week. I feel sometimes, like that marathon runner who spots the finish line but in reality its like an optical illusion and the finish line is actually much further than he realizes. The closer he gets, the finish line seems to pull away from him ever so slightly. Hate to admit it but sometimes I feel like that marathon runner with my house. As much progress that has been made, as many workers that are there every day putting in long hours, I will admit I have days where I go and feel like we still have such a long way to go. 
But the silver lining is I am always in "a happy place" when I go there. I can be in the worst mood and being in my new house literally lifts it away like a veil being lifted...who knew my house has healing abilities!!  I know when we move there is going to still be tons left to do, but at least I will be home!  Enough chatter, here are my updates and a few tidbits of goodies I am loving this week....

HOUSE UPDATES. One exciting thing this week is my cabinet hardware got put on! They are 80% done.  I totally love it, feel like its a very timeless look that will never go "out". Painting, woodwork, trim all continues, yes its taken months but its a lot of work! In about two weeks, a few big things will be happening, the LONG awaited limestone for the front will arrive on Oct. 3rd to be precise, carpets getting installed, floors are being stained and finished and garage doors are getting put in. This house update post might feel a bit redundant, but take note that all the hardware is a new and much anticipated addition and I took lots of pictures of the molding/woodworking detail as they did such a fabulous job and its nearly done downstairs! Living and dining room are done now and they are finishing up the hallway/stairway. Of course the stairway still has me so excited, but its all covered up with scaffolding and such,  I promise to do the big reveal when its all here we go.

Ta dah! Its really starting to resemble a kitchen, pics to follow all hardware inspired....

Samples for family room paneling....

Sons vanity top finally came!! Just waiting to have sink and faucet installed and we are done here!

Older sons bathroom pretty much done!

Other sons vanity, its a dark mahogany, not black

They did such an unreal job, it goes down three stories!!

Back stair hall

Downstairs hallway molding just about done

Looking from rear of the foyer to the future front door.....

Area going from 1st floor going down to basement, they did a beautiful job on the moldings on the curved wall

Walking down to basement
Library aka storage room for now
All moldings got completed above french doors in living and dining

BITE BY BITE. Peter Callahan was so kind to have sent me my own personal signed book, Bite by Bite. I cannot tell you enough how fabulous this book is. He is famous for his mini masterpieces and with good reason, he has escalated small appetizers into a true art form! What I love is its very user friendly from the basic novice to a more seasoned cook...there is truly something for everyone in this book, The creativity and genius behind his creations is really something, my mom and I had such fun pouring through each page. I got so many wonderful ideas, seriously you must get this book. It WILL make you want to have a party, just to show off your newly honed entertaining skills. I love his "small bites" approach, because we all know things taste better when they are small and appetizing!

GREAT LOOKING INEXPENSIVE SERVING PIECES FOR THANKSGIVING. OK, you cannot be part of blogland and not be affected by the fact that everyone is already talking holiday decorating. At first I was totally overwhelmed, but then I figured "if you can't beat em join em", so I spotted these gorgeous serving dishes at none other than Pottery Barn!! Admittedly I have never been a PB fan and the only time I remember shopping there was for someone who registered there for her wedding shower. So these were a nice surprise. I think with my beautiful beaded Italian off white oversized dinner plates, this will make for a beautiful table around Thanksgiving. I must say I explored just a little on their site and I was very impressed by them, that is NOT the Pottery Barn I remember!

In my short travels I found this bedding....I mean this is pretty fabulous looking for my sons room, don't you think?

MY FINAL CHOICE FOR CHINOISERIE FOR MY DINING ROOM. I think we are pretty much decided for the dining room!  After much hemming and hawing, I have gone from gray/blue to green to neutral and in the end am nearly certain that I am going to go with an antiqued (tea stained) chinoiserie with an earthy tan background with small subtle pops of color. I want this to be antiqued and below is the inspiration. I think with this palette, it will give me many options for drapery, upholstery for seating, etc......I feel really good about this and think it will be beautiful. Sorry to drag on about this but its a big decision! Thoughts? (good thing is I get to put in a little blue and white in this one)!

A TRULY NOBLE CAUSE, THE BULLY PROJECT. I am proud to say I have donated and supported the making of this courageous and long overdue documentary about bullying. Lee Hirsch was the champion behind this project and I cannot sing his praises highly enough. While its such fun to blog about beautiful homes and rooms and fun decor and entertaining ideas,  the sobering reality is bullying is practically an epidemic that we as a society must have ZERO tolerance for. I have been blessed to not have had this personally affect me or my sons,  but my heart truly breaks for any child who has experienced the loneliness and isolation of being bullied. There was another suicide this past Sunday by a 14 year old teenager, who took his life after being bullied. That is why this project is so incredible. PLEASE all I ask is that you click on this link, and take a look at the trailer. If it prompts just  ONE conversation between a mother and her child ( as it did me and my son) I will feel like I did my small part to help raise awareness. Ideally, it will motivate all of you to talk to your children, grandchildren or a child you feel close to. Knowledge is power and just because this might not be affecting us personally does not mean we shouldn't take an active role and stand. Please click here to visit the site and see the short but unbelievably powerful trailer. I PROMISE you will not regret taking less than 2 minutes out of your day to watch a film that might prompt a conversation and ultimately change the fate for a young child. THANK YOU!

I apologize that I ended this post on a sad note but I feel its so important to spread the word and I tell everyone I can about this film. What better way to reach 1500 people than to share it on my blog with all of you. Please, if it touches you send it to your friends and family because chances are according to statistics nearly all of us knows someone whose child is being victimized. The silver lining is we can all have a part in eradicating bullying by creating a zero tolerance society. I do hope you have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for stopping by!



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