

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gentle Pinks

Hello everyone,

          I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, as it seems to have escaped us again, and it is remaining cool also.As a gardener, I love how long the blossoms are lasting though. Last spring was a lot warmer, and drier ,and the blooms did not last half as long as this year. So it is true, behind every cloud there is a silver lining!
   I have a few soft pinks to share with you for Pink Saturday.
The appleblossoms are so pretty right now- I love to see the wild ones blooming in the hedgerows along the farm fields.
This rose impatients is just so pretty.
The pansy looks so charming in the pretty planter my sister sent me. It came from Ikea in Vancouver.
We have had a few sunny warm days,--  here that meant it was time for the pink lemonade .

I am joining Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for PS again today and also Haken for Show off Saturday at The Rose Garden in Malevik.

Thank you to all of you who left such sweet comments on our garden photos being included in the Summer book from Norway -you are always so supportive!

I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing weekend,



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