

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Garden Bouquets

Hello everyone,

      I hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to a new week! I have some bouquets from our garden that I would like to share with you today.
  This is our veranda on the south of our house and we enjoy spending a lot of time here all summer.

This is a tote full of Limelight hydrangeas.

An old watering can with a casual bouquet of matricari and lady's mantle.

We have over one hundred peony plants in our garden of various color and shapes and sizes.Here on the Island they bloom from early to mid June until mid July. I like to have early,mid season and late varieties to stretch out the season.

More peoniies

Rose bouquet

maybe you can tell I love peonies.

I am not sure which i love the most the old pitcher or the bouquet.

We also have over 40 lilac bushes in our garden although some of them are still small many are mature. and again we have early and later blooming varieties, Of course we also have several different colors.

I love this color green in the garden.
A midsummer bouquet.
I love to pick a bouquet of roses from the garden.


Lillies are so beautiful and these orientals are very fragrant.
Beautiful peonies.

I am taking a blogging break for about a week but I have preposted a few posts for you over the week if you would still like to visit. 

Thank you for visiting me ,



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