

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Designer spotlight: Timothy Corrigan Part II and highlights from the NY show

Hello! Went to the NY gift fair yesterday, it was, as always lots of fun (but a bit of a letdown after having been at the French show last week) Now I am spoiled:) There weren't a lot of new and innovative booths but some companies that I already know, who I thought looked good with some fresh takes on old ideas. I started snapping away until my camera's battery died...that figures! But you get the flavor of what was there so here are a few highlights. First I start this post with highlights from the show and then, as promised, is part II of Timothy Corrigan's fabulous body of work. 

Always attracted to the blue and white! Here a pretty display by Tozai Home

Loved this line of pillows by Callisto Home ( Love the monogrammed pillow

Zodax, you can always count on them for fun, creative and fresh displays

Loved the lively pop of color, happy and cheerful

More blue and white objects by Tozai Home

The embroidery on these pillows (done in India) is just Callisto

The powdery blue collection and the natural collection were so pretty (Callisto)

A beautiful and tailored bed by Legacy Home

I got inspired to do a guest room based upon this beautiful pillow (Callisto)

These stunning pillows also by Callisto would be beautiful in a outdoor setting, thinking for my outdoor porch...big palms, over sized creamy sofas, lots of blue and white pillows, two gorgeous lanterns, a big overhead dark wood fan....I can see it now 

Meet Audrey, a very talented artist based out of Nantucket who paints fabulous murals based on coastal living...check her is a doll

Her booth at the NY gift show

Beautiful mural by Audrey....

Audrey Sterk mural

Loved this collection of botanical prints by Trowbridge

Beautiful antique reproduction prints of flowers on an antique mirrored frame by pretty for a master bedroom or dressing area

Julian Chinchester always has some interesting pieces

I love high backed settees

This was an interesting set of trays, pony hair covered very over sized trays....very "Ralph Lauren"

Another view

These were cute signs that could be fun from Spicher and Company

             Hope you enjoyed this quick glimpse of the NY gift show. Now as promised, more of Timothy Corrigan's magnificent and timeless you have a favorite?  Below are some of his fabulous dining rooms and bedrooms... how beautiful they all are! Hard to believe that he did not have formal training and was a big ad exec before he found his! I would say he made the right career switch. You can learn more about this uber talented designer at his website You  know I always love to know if you have a favorite...

A bedroom fit for a princess

This is so warm and the abundant seating

A guest room in his own home...the colors are so elegant and the fabrics so luxurious

A view of his master bedroom....dreamy

Another dreamy bedroom from Timothy's home (like how we are now on a first named basis)

Love  lots of seating in a bedroom, which he seems to use a lot of

A cozy seating area in a beautiful monochromatic room

A beautiful room with its own little living room!

Attractive canopied the painting above the fireplace

Very opulent sitting area of an enormous master suite

A sunny yellow kids room

He uses this color combination a lot....very effectively

Dark woods make this a captivating room

Blue and white....always such an elegant touch in any room

Very elegant dining room....I love seeing art hung in a dining room, do you?

A more rustic warm colored dining room opens to a terrace, love the warmth and rustic feeling of the room

Timothy Corrigans own dining room...splendid!

Beautiful green paneling in this formal dining room

This is such a beautiful room, the floors, the mirror, the tapestries, just perfect.

Wow...this is stunning!

Beautiful mural adds so much to this spectacular high ceiling dining room

I know for many this might be "too much" but I personally love it

Not a huge red person but must admit this is quite beautiful

A dining room fit for a king...(and it does so happen to belong to a middle eastern sheik)

I hope you enjoyed these pictures..I continue to get a lot of inspiration from his work. Hope you have a wonderful day...and for those who are enduring yet another snowstorm, stay safe and remember spring is only 2 months away!



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