

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

altitude design summit 2011

the view from our hotel

Well, I am back from quite a whirlwind and hardly slowing down.  I was in California for 4 days shopping for the store (pictures of that to come), woke up the next morning and caught a flight to Salt Lake City for the Altitude Design Summit and am leaving in a few days for another buying trip in New York.  Yikes.  Thinking about it starts to overwhelm me...
Anyway, about Alt.  It was fantastic.  A little daunting, but fantastic.  I am still trying to process all we learned (I should be on twitter how often?), but had so much fun and can't wait to put all this new information to use.  My brain is still on overload, so for now how about we just look at the pictures...

christine and emily on our flight, ready for fun
having fun on the streets of Salt Lake
everywhere we went people stopped to ask us about our madpax
a much needed stop for lunch
I think we needed the beer more as much as we needed the food.
don't you love checking out Anthropology in every city you go to?
you know its going to be good when you walk in and they hand you a lunch box full of free goodies...
(*photo from alt design summit 2011's photostream on flickr)
Lamb's Grill was the spot for the Thursday night party
(*photo from alt design summit 2011's photostream on flickr)
Christine and me.
dinner with Emily, Christine, Jane and Caroline, two of the many lovely ladies we met - be sure to take a peek at their equally lovely blogs!
(*photo from alt design summit 2011's photostream on flickr)
me, in my design board class
(*photo from alt design summit 2011's photostream on flickr)
my design board - what do you think?
Christine in her screen printing class
(*photo from alt design summit 2011's photostream on flickr)
the amazing french confectionary in the hotel.
and, of course, me with mondo from Season 8 Project Runway
It was a wonderful trip and I feel ready to tackle some of my creative projects that were starting to fade.  It was great inspiration to say the least...  Loved meeting so many of you!  Hopefully we'll be back next year!


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