

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

~♥ Gifts and Gobs ♥~

Hello blogging friends...not sure what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but it has been snowing like crazy here for a couple of days...not the kind of snow for making snowmen, but the kind that is fluffy.
Several days ago I received a package in the mail and this is what I found when I opened it.

I just couldn't wait until Christmas to open them!
                      My dear blogging friend, Kelli from 
"Lovely Vintage Country Life" sent these to me...I was so touched by her kindness...won't you stop over to say hello to her...she has a sweet blog. 
Click Here to visit Kelli.
I know you're all curious what I gave my friend, Lisa, as a gift for hosting the Gob making party.

Here is what I gave her...

We had so much fun that I thought I'd share a few pictures of the Gob making party with you.

Debbie making the icing.
 Lisa measuring the ingredients.

Sally and Lisa (oh no, Sally blinked)
 Me and Lisa
 Sue and Debbie
 The best way to drink tea...with a candy cane in it!

 Sally, Sue and Debbie
Me and Lisa
 Ready to put into the oven.

There's nothing better than a Gob!
Here's the happy group of Gob makers!
(sorry, Sue, not sure why I am soooo close)
L to R - Me, Sue, Debbie, Sally & Lisa
Thanks for stopping by...I always enjoy the company.

p.s.  A special thank you to the ladies from the Gob making party for allowing me put their pictures on my blog.  Thanks to Sue for the use of several of her pictures.


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