

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We have finally started moving back into our kitchen. I am so anxious to have our lives back to normal (relatively speaking, of course). To get into unpacking mode, I decided I needed an appropriate "unpacking outfit." Do you ever do this? Like when you are gardening how you almost seem to feel more like gardening if you put on some breezy clothes and your big straw hat. So, I put on my ripped jean shorts and my vintage gas station shirt that I picked up at the flea market. Oh, and my pearls. Its always good to feel a little lovely when you're sweating through dusty boxes...

We hit a few bumps along the way, but the finish is in sight. And I have to say a huge thank you to Jody of Sunstate Remodeling and Painting (480-510-4833), who swooped in and saved the day for us. If you need someone, he is your man. Lots of unpacking ahead, but indeed a happy day...

Isn't it funny how if you take pictures from just the right angles things can look put together and nice? When this is really what my kitchen looks like right now...

and the shelves are bare...

and the furniture is sparse and there is not a comfy couch to sit on in sight...

But it is all coming together and we are so happy with every bit of it. What do you think of the new doors? Don't they give the room a whole new feel?

Hopefully, I will have everything together and tons of pictures taken to post by next week. I am going to count on all of you to hold me to that. In the meantime, what do you think of everything so far?


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