

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

let's eat cake!

I have mentioned before one of my No. 1 local spots is the very fabulous Chestnut Lane on Camelback Road just west of 44th Street. Most specifically I adore Polly's amazing cakes (oh, and their oatmeal and their parchment wrapped sandwiches and.... perhaps a whole post on what I love at Chestnut Lane is in order...). We have ordered their cakes for several occasions and they are absolutely to-die-for. Their presentation is perfection and their flavor is divine. And a cake with a sparkler in it sounds like a perfect way to celebrate the 4th of July to me....

The very sweet Polly of Chestnut Lane actually just posted to her facebook page how much she loves our cake plates. Several people have emailed us because of this asking to see some of our cake plates, so here's a little peek for you...

A cake plate from the Willows with one of Chestnut Lane's cakes would certainly make for a winning combination, I must say. So, if someone you know has a summer birthday, or for a very special Father's Day treat, or for that sparkler on the 4th of July, or even just to add that bit of perfection to a summer bbq, come on by and pick out your No. 1 cake plate. And be sure to order your cake from Chestnut Lane to sit atop it!
Mmmmm... now I want cake. Would a cake for the Willows in the middle of the week in the middle of June be special occasion enough? Yes, I think it would...


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