

Monday, May 17, 2010

how to make your own draperies... sort of.

step 1: Bring Ruby lots of tasty snacks. While she eats, Christine and I will get a lot done.

step 2: Buy a large farm table (from the Willows? heehee...). Perfect for cutting fabric and laying out all your project supplies.

step 3: Measu... what?! Ruby's done eating already. Ok. Take a swing break and get some fresh air.

step 4: Feed Ruby again.

What kind of mom brings out such a delicious and thoughtful little tray for lunch? Blueberries, broccoli, hummus, crackers, cheese stick... I am pretty sure I used to just throw PB&J at my kids. Ruby, I sure hope you appreciate that amazing mama of yours.

step 5: Measure and cut your fabric.

step 6: Have your husband cut the wood for the top of the drapes. Oh, he's at work? Just put that project aside with the 10 other half done projects and we'll get back to it later.

Then go sit on the back porch, have a drink and just enjoy being with your daughter and grandchildren. The draperies can (and will) wait.

Oh, my. Look at the time. I need to get home and finish sewing some pillows.
I may need to join a "project addicts anonymous" group...

I do plan on actually showing you how to make these fantastic and super easy window coverings... this day it just wasn't meant to quite get done. Consider this a preview for a "coming soon" post.
happy monday!

And don't forget about our Sea Bag giveaway! Enter to win by Friday at midnight!


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