

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Years ago I would look at faux flowers with such disdain.........."I am a purist",  I would declare. Time softens, particularly when time is of such essence. But additionally the quality of faux's has vastly improved and one of my favorite uses is outdoors in the Spring.

So, what do you think of the example above? A classic Parrot tulip.....look closely......see the pollen on the stamen? That's good!

This tulips are real as are the pansies but the blue Muscari is faux.

See where I am headed?

Strategically placed containers, particularly in our northern climate, can be stale this time of year; winter is pulled,and it is too early to plant summer varieties. So we are left with cool season annuals and bulbs. A quick heat spurt can end the run of bulbs in a snap

So I love to play with Mother nature and mingle faux's with annuals. Can you spot the fakes? Yes, the tulips, tulip foliage and the overhanging vine

This down view is great for a low pot when in passing you look down. Can you spot the faker?

How about now?

 The center of the pot is a faux boxwood square, held in by yellow twig dogwood and surrounded with purple alyssum.

Did you guess daffodils?

My clients side entrance needed some drama. The peachy tulips lend height and staying power with the white pansies which enhances the trim color.

Are you beginning to wonder why?

Drama, pure drama! The old adage "thriller", "filler" and "spiller" is difficult to attain with the mostly short flowers of spring and bulbs are so fleeting.

Yes, this too!

And your investment extends for years to come, just store the fakers until next season.

OK, by now you have it...........the tulips are faux and blended with alyssum and red twig dogwood stems, you get to extend the season.

Next art giveaway, get to choose!
Happy Spring days........



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