

Thursday, July 9, 2009

~* My Home For The 4th *~

I hope that everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July! Ours was very low-key...we had a small cookout and watched fireworks from our home. I wish I would have been able to take pictures of all of the fireworks we were able to was really neat to see so many on the skyline!
I thought I'd show you a few pictures of my home...I had been wanting to get bunting for the railing of our porch, but had a hard time finding any. I was fortunate that I finally came across some at a cute little shop called, "Endless Possibilities" in Ligonier, Pa.
Well, that's all for now...thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy the company!
Thank you for your sweet comments and birthday wishes for my dd, Emily. I still can't believe that she's sixteen! She loves her new car. I've taken her out driving every day, and she's been doing pretty good. We're fortunate to live in a rural area so there are a lot of back roads to travel.
Q and A Time:
There were some questions asked about my May 19th post, ~* My Oh My, How Time Flies*~ and I wanted to take the opportunity to answer them.
  • Did I make the curtains in my kitchen? I wish I could say that I did, but no, I did not. I found them at Kmart.
  • Where did I get my candle? It was purchased at Wal-mart, but I'm not so sure they carry them any longer. I know they don't at the one I shop at since it's been remodeled.
  • Getting the kittens spayed and neutered - we did have them all spayed and neutered, including the Mama. As much as I love cats, I certainly don't want a cat farm...LOL.

♥ Kim


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