

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Good morning sweet friends...I hope you all are well. I am doing good, but getting a little cabin fever. I live at a place called Snowball Hill and believe me, it is living up to it's name! We've been getting snow, snow and more snow here in southwestern Pa. I'd be willing to make a deal with any of you dear readers who do not have snow and would like to take some of what we have off of our hands!
Cabin fever leads to a little, I didn't do much, but I needed to see some greenery. While at the grocery store I picked up a few ivy plants.
Below is the before and while I love how it looks, I wanted to look at something green.

Sorry for the pictures not being too clear...not sure what the problem is...maybe it's because I took them at night...I don't know...anyways, I found these milkglass flower pots at the thrift store a good while ago and thought they'd look nice with the ivy.

This is the way it is for now...I'm thinking about adding a nice candle...I'll keep you posted.
Thank you all for stopping by to visit me! I appreciate all of the visits and sweet comments from my last post, "Where I Blog".
Please keep the following dear blogging friends who recently lost loved ones: Adrienne at With A Grateful Heart and Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams.


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