

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~* Look What I Found *~

While driving my dd to her friend's house today I spotted one of those step stool/chair/ironing boards sitting by the side of the road. It was perched beside a garbage can...of course as soon as I saw it a little light bulb went off in my head...they must be getting rid of it. Then I think to myself why would anyone put something like that out for the garbage man to collect? So I drive by it again and think, no, they must have made a mistake and didn't mean to set it out by the road. Then I think what if they really did put it out to be picked up...I cannot take the chance of letting it slip through my fingers...I decide to go by the house again and now my heart is pounding...I'm going to stop and politely ask if they meant to put it out for the trash. I knock and no one comes to the door. I know they're home because I can see lights and there are two cars in the driveway. I start to knock again and the door finally opens...I ask them about it and they tell me I can have it! They're moving and didn't have any use for it. I cannot tell you how happy I am...I've wanted one of these for so long, but didn't want to spend alot of money on one. The kind lady told me that the hinge on it needs some work, but I tell her that my husband is very handy and won't have a problem repairing it. It looks like it is solid oak (feels like it, too). It is now in my husband's workshop...I wonder what he'll say????


Thank you for all of your kind comments about my new little spice cupboard. I still need to buy more spices to fill it up!



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