

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

~* Hmmmmmm *~

Hello dear blogging friends...thank you all for your sweet words on my last post...there are so many kind people in this blogging world. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


I'm so sorry that I have been MIA. I'm completely recovered from my sickness so that isn't what has kept me away. I'm afraid I have nothing to post about...I honestly can't think of one thing! I haven't been to any thrift stores so I can't post about a treasure I have found and I do believe I've shown you everything in our home so I'd hate to repeat myself. Hopefully I'll get out of this slump soon!


I thought I'd share this picture of another view of our home...I long for the green grass, warm temperatures and being able to sit on our porch or deck reading a favorite magazine and sipping iced tea or lemonade...a girl can dream can't she????


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