

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top Ten Signs That You Are A Plant-Obsessed Gardener

  1. You hide your new plant purchases from your spouse.

  2. You still have plant catalogs from 1995.

  3. You read gardening blogs instead of newspapers.

  4. You give your plants pet names.

  5. You move nine plants for every one you buy.

  6. You chase down squirrels to get your tulip bulbs back.

  7. You hope that "PPAF" on the plant label means "propagate plant after flowering."

  8. You buy flower seeds so that you can participate in a free seed swap.

  9. You are miffed when fast-food restaurants use your favorite plant in their landscape.

  10. You know exactly how many plants will fit inside your car.

Photo and Top Ten List by Freda Cameron

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

~*To All of You*~

All the best to you, dear blogging friends, in 2009!
I can't thank you enough for yours visits, sweet comments, and friendship over this past year. I appreciate it that you take the time out of your day to visit me and leave me comments...I apologize that I don't always get a chance to thank each and every one of you personally! I'll be back to my regular blogging after the first of the year.

With Much Love and Appreciation,
Graphic by:

The Garden through 2008

With 2008 drawing to a close, I have looked back over the changes in the gardens this year. While there were many beautiful blooms in the garden, it is the transitions through the year that seem most significant to me. The transitions provided by nature.

January 2008 brought just a slight dusting of snow. Just enough for a pretty scene, but not enough to cause any problems. At the end of January, we cut back the ornamental grasses, the butterfly bushes and chaste tree.

By mid-April the garden was very colorful. The roses along the fence had new foliage and buds. The Japanese Maple was brilliant and the dianthus provided a spicy fragrance.

By June, it was beginning to feel like summer as we experienced several days in a row of 100°F heat. The Japanese irises were in bloom all along the rain garden path and the dry stream bed.

The corner willow tree provides the dividing corner where the cool colors of the front outer garden give way to the hot colors in the butterfly garden.

The little garden bench provides a perfect place to sit in the shade to take a welcome break from gardening and watch the hummingbirds in both gardens.

The willow tree is a favorite hangout place for all the birds who visit the garden.

Salvia uliginosa (bog sage) and perennial ageratum bloomed beautifully in August. The coneflowers had been in bloom since June and were still going.

In September, my husband and I pulled out three abelia and a weeping cherry tree in the cottage garden. The shrubs and tree were too large for the space. The cherry tree was always a target of the Japanese beetles, making it unattractive throughout the summer. Rather than fight nature, we decided to change the garden to be more suitable to the environment.

I amended the soil and planted a mix of agastache, salvia, echinacea, sedum and verbena for the full sun space. These perennials will take the heat, remain a size suitable for the space and will not attract the beetles.

I left space to sow poppies and other annuals since this garden space is by the front porch. The poppies have already emerged as seedlings, having been planted in October.

Ornamental grasses started the fall showing of plumes and some perennials continued to bloom into October. The salvias put on the biggest fall show, especially the greggii variety. The Knock Out® Roses bloomed through several frosts.

When I reflect on the garden this year, I think about what worked well and where I can make improvements. I'm making a list of things I learned this year so that I won't forget... to partner with nature.

Photos and story by Freda Cameron

Monday, December 29, 2008


In rural communities, windbreaks are a common scene and for good reason. They slow the wind down or prevent prevailing winter winds from hitting your house directly saving valuable heating dollars. In the summer they slow or prevent soil erosion. In the heat of the summer deciduous windbreaks help to cool winds before they reach your house. Some windbreaks provide a habitat for small birds

A Variety of Garden Paths

What's the best material to use for a garden path? A lot depends upon your preferences and the style of your house and gardens. Brick, stone, gravel, mulch, grass and other materials are used for garden paths.

There are pros and cons to all materials, and we use three different styles within our gardens (photo taken from second story window to show examples):
  • Flagstone with polymeric joints (main walkway)
  • Flagstone stepping stones over mulch (outer garden paths and in cottage garden)
  • Gravel (cottage garden along roses)
Since our house is a cottage style, we didn't want a formal walkway.

Our main walk consists of flagstones with polymeric sand in the joints. We didn't want cement in the joints on the walk as we felt it would appear too formal for the style of our house and meadow setting. We considered growing thyme between the stones, but decided to try the sand.

The polymeric sand is used for dry-laid projects. It's a sand product with polymers that make it harden so that you don't have to keep sweeping loose sand or screenings between the stones.

In a nutshell, here's an overview of the steps to use polymeric sand:
  • dig and level the ground
  • layer of permeable landscape fabric
  • layer of screenings
  • lay the flagstone
  • sweep polymeric sand in the joints in a thin layer
  • mist with water
  • wait 10 minutes and repeat with layers/misting until sand is level with stones
Since the house was finished in fall 2005, we've had to re-apply the sand once, but it was an easy project. Some weed seeds, like spurge, will find the way into the sand, but that is minimal. I've had petunias reseed into the sand!

The stepping stones are the same Pennsylvania bluestone (lilac heather) as used for our main walkway, front porch floor and patios. These are laid on the ground and dressed with triple-ground hardwood mulch. The stepping stones are almost carefree, with the occasional weeding of the mulch. The mulch is thick enough that weeds aren't too much of a problem.

The gravel used along the roses inside the cottage garden requires the most maintenance in terms of weeding. Weed seeds sprout quite easily in the gravel. I wait until after a rain, then use a trowel or flat shovel to dig and scrape out the weeds, then rake the gravel back into place. Vinegar sprayed directly on the weeds is also useful. There is no weed mat/landscape fabric beneath the gravel. The gravel is locally known as "Chapel Hill grit" or "Chapel Hill gravel" as it comes from a local quarry.

We've not yet had to replenish the gravel, but we are considering using pea gravel. We have a small test section by the guest parking to decided whether or not we will want an entire path made of pea gravel.

An added benefit of all of our paths is that we can maintain these ourselves. In fact, we built a large dining patio ourselves using flagstones and polymeric sand. I like that we have a variety of path materials in different sections of the gardens, rather than using all one material everywhere.

Photos and story by Freda Cameron

Saturday, December 27, 2008

In the Beginning: The Deer Resistant Garden

What does it take for a fast-growing flower garden? Good soil, sufficient rainfall and the right plants for the right spot.

When I work with, rather than against, Mother Nature, the garden grows pretty well. In other words, I don't grow anything exotic in my garden!

My garden is in full sun with lots and lots of deer. In 2007, we had a prolonged drought here in zone 7 of North Carolina. That happened to be the same year that I planted 99% of my outer gardens. My "outer" gardens are really just outside the cottage garden fence. I just haven't come up with anything clever to name the whole garden.

There are named sections within the outer gardens... butterfly, rain, fragrance, waterfall, guest parking and driveway island. Not very glamorous, I know. There's a bit of chaos, as I've just plunked some plants in spots within the garden because I don't have a holding bed.

For those who are just getting started with gardening, take heart!

As you can see, the first photo, taken in July 2008, is quite different from the second photo which shows the same garden in May 2007. To understand the vantage point, I have drawn an arrow on the photo to show the same crape myrtle tree. This is a view from east to west, with our driveway and parking areas at the far end of the photos.

Not everything planted in May 2007 survived the drought. I lost coreopsis, deutzia, penstemon and asters and probably a few more perennials that I've since forgotten.

The plants didn't have a chance to get established since it was difficult to keep the garden watered during the drought as there is no irrigation on the slope. There is drip irrigation along the bottom for the rain garden plants. Even though we have our own private well, we didn't feel inclined to risk watering the large area after months and months of prolonged drought.

In spring 2008, I filled in those gaps with salvia, agastache, perennial ageratum, echinops, spirea, monarda, perennial heliotrope, herbs and buddleia.

This area was bare ground on a slope. We first tried sowing grass, but with every rain, the seeds washed down to the bottom of the slope. This is full sun, on the south side, front of the house.

To turn this into a garden, we brought in several double dump truck loads of really great gardening soil. I spent September of 2006 spreading the soil by hand, with a depth of 6-8 inches, over the entire area. It was quite a workout! I planted a few Japanese and Siberian iris that fall along the bottom of the slope to begin creating a rain garden.

As you can see in comparing the two photos, the driveway and parking area are no longer visible. I used buddleia, illicium, amsonia, ginger, and itea beside the large crape myrtle to help define the far end of this garden section.

All of the plants selected are full sun, zone 7, deer resistant plants. No deer repellants have ever been used, but I may resort to rabbit repellants! For just a few months, I did surround the garden with a 32" high wire edging fence to just keep the deer from trampling and sampling the newly planted perennials.

The reason that I think this garden has been so successful is that I started with good soil and selected plants that are drought-tolerant for the top of the slope. At the bottom of the slope, I use plants that like the occasional wet soil. The plants in the middle of the slope like average moisture and rich soil.

There's still a lot of tweaking to be done as I improve the design by increasing the number of hardy plants and removing the ones that aren't good performers.

Photos and story by Freda Cameron

Pretty Perennial Foliage (After the Flowers)

We all want flowers. We want lots and lots of flowers in our gardens. I often struggle with decisions on bloom time. Should I go for "one big show" in spring and another in summer? What happens with the perennials when the blooms are gone?

The problem with trying to achieve colorful bloom with large mass plantings of the same plant is that when the blooms are gone the foliage may look pretty bad. Since my gardens are in front of the house, I'm trying to avoid large spaces of dying or wilted foliage that even annuals interspersed cannot hide. My garden is in full sun in zone 7b.

Winter is a great time to review photos of the garden to see which perennials provided good foliage after the bloom times. This summer, I intentionally went around my garden to photograph the ugly spots where the flowers had played out and detracted from the late blooming flowers.

There's still improvement to be done, so I have a strategy of expanding the perennials with beautiful flowers that continue to provide beautiful foliage. I'm also incorporating more annuals next spring and have already sown larkspur and poppies. I will sow cleome, nicotiana, zinnias, cosmos and other annuals to fill in the gaps.

My favorite perennials with beautiful foliage after the blooms include Japanese or Siberian irises, monarda, and salvia. I'll use the irises and monarda as the main players in my examples.

Even though it is December, the monarda foliage is still showing green to burgundy colors close to the ground like a ground cover. The iris leaves have finally turned brown and are ready to be cut back with the ornamental grasses in January.

This is how the combination looked back in early June 2008 with the irises in bloom and the monarda (right) not yet in bloom:

When the Japanese Irises are not in bloom, the foliage continues to look great. The foliage of some irises doesn't impress after the blooms, but the foliage of these provides a beautiful, tall, lush spike form.

The monarda blooms for several weeks, then I deadhead it for repeat blooms. Once the second flush of blooms is finished, I deadhead again back to leaf joints to keep the foliage looking good. Another thing to note about monarda is to continue to provide watering if there isn't sufficient rainfall. Monarda will get powdery mildew if it gets too dry.

The next view is from the top of a slope looking down into a different grouping of irises, monarda and amsonia hubrichtii. There is a nandina 'alba' providing additional foliage interest in the upper left of the photo. The monarda is barely in bloom, and the Japanese and Siberian irises are providing foliage after the blooms are gone.

In another grouping, there is also white ginger on the left (will bloom in September) and a buddleia at the back. The yellow blooms of the buddleia don't show up in this view, but the monarda blooms are apparent among all the other foliage.

A few more of my favorite blooming perennials that work double-time to provide beautiful foliage include:
  1. baptisia
  2. crocosmia
  3. dianthus
  4. hypericum
  5. perennial geranium
  6. lavender (multiple varieties)
  7. nepeta
  8. salvia guaranitica and greggii
  9. scabiosa
  10. sedum (multiple varieties)
  11. stacys hummelo

For variety, my perennial garden also includes a mix of flowering shrubs such as buddleia, itea, and spirea as well as ornamental grasses, sedges and ground covers.

Photos and story by Freda Cameron

Friday, December 26, 2008

Foliage Combinations in the Perennial Garden

When the flowers aren't in bloom, there are several foliage plants that I use to help carry color and texture in the perennial garden. I use a combination of perennials, shrubs and ornamental grasses to divide the dry stream garden from the front garden. Since this area is right beside our front path, I selected plants that would provide nice foliage from spring through fall and included a few for winter interest.

Amsonia hubrichtii is a southern native perennial that produces tiny blue flowers in the spring. While the flowers are nice, the threadlike, lacy foliage provides a nice texture when mixed with other foliage shapes. This perennial also provides a pretty background for flowering perennials since it quickly reaches a nice 3 x 3 foot size in the garden. The foliage turns a brilliant gold in the fall and is rated for zones 5-9, planted in full sun.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' PP 13,008 is a dwarf ornamental grass that fits in well with a perennial border. The fountain-shaped blades have horizontal gold bands. In the fall, the plumes shoot up straight in my full sun garden, making this grass easy to use when it is planted closely with perennials and shrubs. This grass is also rated for full sun in zones 5-9, making it a nice texture combination with the amsonia.

Illicium is an evergreen shrub that is also a southern native. I can't tell you exactly which one I have as this was originally planted next to our foundation by our landscaper. I moved it to this area because it enjoys moist soil in full sun and provides foliage year round. That is, until the deer are hungry enough to strip the leaves off of this shrub. The shrub does recover fully by summer and is left alone. For this reason, I put a little 32" high wire edging fence around this shrub in the winter months to prevent deer damage. This shrub can grow quite tall and wide and does have fragrant blooms, but mine has been pruned back a few times by the deer. If I were to substitute another shrub for this one, it would be osmanthus fragrans.

Itea virginica 'Little Henry' is a deciduous shrub that likes full sun to shade and moist soil. This shrub is an adaptation of the native itea virginica. This little fellow has blooms of white spirals in the early summer. The fall foliage is a brilliant red, a great contrasting companion, with the amsonia foliage in the fall. The small scale of 'Little Henry' makes it easy to tuck this 3 x 3 foot plant into the perennial border in zones 5-9.

Each of these four plants adds a different leaf shape and texture to use in a grouping as companion plants. Since they like the same growing conditions, there's no stress on any of these plants in the same setting. Only the illicium grows large, so the smaller companions are easy to fit into a mixed border.

While all are planted in my rain garden, these plants can be grown in less wet conditions. The rain garden is the lowest point along the path in my front garden.

With the exception of winter browsing of the illicium, all of these plants are deer resistant and rabbit resistant.

Photo and story by Freda Cameron

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have you been Naughty Or Nice?

Well Santa is just about here boys and girls, I've been watching the Santa Tracker all day. So he has little bit longer to check that naughty or nice list and I have one question to all of you.....Have you been....NAUGHTY or NICE?Remember folks, Santa's watching!Okay for those of you that know me, we've already opened all our presents and now the children are eagerly waiting for morning because

Where's Santa?

With only hours to go before Santa arrives at your house I bet you are hearing all types of things from your kids.Mom, was I good this year? How does Santa know if I'm still behaving? Where's Santa now mom?Well for most of those you can have Santa email your kids a letter telling them they've behaved. Mine did and even told him what they wanted for Christmas and he's already sent back two letters

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In the Kitchen: Scones for a Brunch or a Tea

I started making lavender scones this summer after a visit to Sunshine Lavender Farm.

My new tin of Provence Culinary Lavender arrived just in time for holiday baking!

This popular recipe was first featured on my blog a few months ago. Since I'm ready to bake more scones, I decided to publish the recipe again for the holidays.

I adapted a tried-and-true scone recipe to create these lavender scones. The original recipe for cranberry scones came from my best friend, Betsy Livak.

On several of my visits with Betsy (many years ago), she made her scones for me. In fact, those were the first scones that I'd ever tried! I have fond memories of our chats over scones and tea. We've been best friends for almost thirty years. Since Betsy is in California and I'm in North Carolina, we don't get to visit each other very often. When we have a rare opportunity to visit, we pick up right where we left off!

To make these lavender scones, I just substituted lavender and omitted the cranberries. That said, I highly recommend making these scones with cranberries, too. Either way, you will not be disappointed!

Lavender Scones

Makes 1 dozen scones
Preheat oven to 400°F

3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour (substitute whole wheat if desired)
1/2 cup sugar (I use turbinado sugar or organic cane instead of refined white)
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/2 tablespoons culinary lavender

3/4 teaspoon salt (I use Kosher or sea salt)
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon grated orange zest (I use a microplane)

1 cup buttermilk (lowfat is okay)

  1. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and lavender in a large bowl.

  2. Add butter and beat with an electric mixer (or pastry blender) until well blended.

  3. Stir in zest *.

  4. Pour in buttermilk and mix until blended.

  5. Gather dough into a ball and divide in half (I use a knife).

  6. On lightly floured surface, roll each half into a circle.

  7. Cut into wedges.

    I make mine thick so that I get 6 scones (pie shaped wedges) out of each half. I use parchment paper to reduce the amount of flour needed. I also tend to hand shape, rather than roll the circle. I cut the wedges with a sharp knife. I gently tap the 3 sides of the scones on the parchment to make smooth edges.

  8. Place scones on lightly greased cookie sheet.

  9. Bake in preheated 400° F oven for 12-15 minutes or until golden.

  10. Serve warm or cooled.

*Original recipe: You can omit the lavender and use 3/4 cup dried (or fresh) cranberries.

If using the fruit, add it with the orange zest, just before the buttermilk.

Serving suggestion: Serve with preserves or lemon curd. If you live in the United Kingdom, you have real clotted cream!

Left-overs: Wrap a scone in a slightly damp paper towel and microwave for 15 seconds if you like scones warm. Most scones are served at room temperature.

Reduced recipe: I have made 1/2 recipe and it worked out just fine.

Photos and scones by Freda Cameron. Lavender from Sunshine Lavender Farm. Recipe adapted from Betsy Livak's Cranberry Scone Recipe

Monday, December 22, 2008

In the Kitchen: Savory Gouda Bites

When you need a quick and easy hors d'œuvre for a party, this recipe is really fun to make. Since these savory bites resemble cookies, you'll have to tell your guests that these aren't sweet!

You can make these the day before serving. Using gouda, these savory bites are very light and mild tasting. You can decide whether or not to garnish with whole roasted cashews or other nuts.

One of our favorite places in North Carolina is the Biltmore Estate™ in Asheville. There are several great restaurants at the Estate and I've found them to be quite willing to share recipes, upon request, when dining there. They also hand out recipes during cooking demonstrations in the store beside the winery.

This recipe is adapted from a similar recipe in one of my favorite cookbooks, Bounty of Biltmore Cookbook, that is no longer offered online by the Biltmore Estate™. I purchased my cookbook at the Estate store several years ago.

Savory Gouda Bites

Preheat oven to 375°F
Makes 36

1/2 pound (8 ounces) gouda cheese, shredded (I use the food processor shredding blade)
1/2 cup butter, softened (not melted)

1 1/2 cups of plain flour
1 teaspoon DRY mustard
1/8 teaspoon salt
  1. Mix the gouda and butter together in a large bowl until well-blended and smooth.

  2. In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients.

  3. Add the dry ingredients, a little a time, to the gouda mixture and continue to mix.

  4. Continue to mix until the ingredients bind together into a soft dough. (This may seem like it will never happen, but keep mixing. The appetizers will not be toughened by the mixing)

  5. Roll the dough into 1 inch balls and place on a lightly greased baking sheet.

  6. If not using nuts*, press the ball to flatten slightly.

  7. Bake at 375°F for about 18 minutes (slightly brown).

  8. Let cool completely on a wire rack.

  9. Store in an airtight container.

*Optional Garnish:

36 cashews, roasted, whole, lightly salted

Press one whole nut into the top of each ball of dough before baking.

Photo by Freda Cameron. Recipe adapted from Bounty of Biltmore Cookbook, by Biltmore Estate™

Window Mobile Smartphone

Did you know Windows has a phone out? I had no clue but I guess these days it shouldn't be a surprise that computer programming companies are coming out with them. I mean even Google has a phone now. So what's the new phone?Windows Mobile Smartphone, which you can currently purchase it through the link or one of three companies: VerizonWireless, AT&T or Sprint. The SmartPhone comes with:Version

Sunday, December 21, 2008

In the Kitchen: Sour Cream Pound Cake

Sour Cream Pound Cake

This recipe was originally provided by my son's great-grandmother on his father's side of the family. I have been baking this cake for over thirty years. It is always a favorite and turns out beautifully!

I make sure all the ingredients are room temperature before I begin mixing the cake. I now use a very heavy duty Bundt® pan, but a pound cake pan was originally used.

2 sticks unsalted butter (1/2 lb)
3 cups sugar

6 eggs
3 cups sifted plain flour

1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream
1/4 teaspoon baking soda (stirred into the sour cream)

1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
1 teaspoon almond flavoring

Pre-heat oven to 325°

  1. Cream butter and sugar together.

  2. Add remaining ingredients in order given and mix into a smooth batter.

  3. Pour batter into a prepared Bundt® or pound cake pan. (Lightly buttered and floured.)

  4. Bake approximately 1 hour in a 325° pre-heated oven. It must bake longer if using a heavy duty Bundt® pan. Test for doneness.

  5. Cool for 10 minutes (use a timer) on a cooling rack, then invert cake onto the rack. It should slide out in one piece!

This optional glaze is my own creation that I like to use in the colder months. Fresh strawberries or blueberries with whipped cream or ice cream are perfect with this pound cake in the summer months.

Optional Amaretto Glaze:

1 1/4 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
2 tablespoons Amaretto liqueur
toasted slivered almonds

In a small bowl, mix the sugar and liqueur. If the glaze is too thick, you can thin with a bit of milk (or more liqueur). I like to drizzle the glaze over the cake while it is slightly warm and on the cooling rack. I put paper underneath the cooling rack to catch the glaze to make clean up easier.

Garnish the top of the cake with toasted, slivered almonds.

Photos and cake by Freda Cameron; Family recipe.

December 2008 at the beach in Ocean Shores

I took this picture with the camera above my steering wheel driving down Point Brown Avenue headed South from downtown.

This is the view from my backyard looking at my neighbors across the Frozen Grand Canal. Don't mind the geese poop on my dock....

The gates of Ocean Shores - slushy style I didn't see any body boarders or sunbathers out....

The snow plowers were out making a mountain in front of the IGA.

I have more pictures on on the News Page. The snow fell lightly all day on Saturday (12/20) but accumulated pretty good. Some areas had over a foot while most of the roads saw 4 to 6 inches. We lost power (not all of the town, just part of it) Saturday night around midnight. It's Sunday now and I've driven all around town and the roads are pretty slushy. I didn't see any property damage anywhere. I can't believe the canal froze over. All flights were delayed at the Ocean Shores Airport, but the buses seem to be running fine around town.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Garden Inspiration: French Garden in the Dordogne

This Garden Inspiration was written by guest blogger and gardener, Rob Harrison, who lives in France.

Karen and I moved to Le Banquet, Les Eyzies near Sarlat in Spring '04. We fell in love with the Dordogne following a Summer holiday the previous year.

Le Banquet is a beautiful ensemble of old farm cottages which we operate as self-catering gites during the Summer season.

Situated in some four and a half acres of the Vezere Valley, the most stunning garden of all is the areas outstanding natural beauty.

Faced with both more time and land than I had previously been used to, I have become hugely interested in gardening and never miss an opportunity to 'get outside'and 'do a bit'. I don't have any particular style, I just like to try things each year, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't-- but, that's gardening I guess, always work in progress.

One aspect of the garden that remains unchanged is the roses. Each year from about mid-June through most of July they are the star of the show. They simply look stunning blooming against the sand and limestone buildings typical of this area. I had over 50 at the last count.

At the start of spring my cold frames are over filled with as many annuals as I can sensibly sow to plant around the grounds. This year I grew Cleome, Amaranthus, the beautiful Nicotiana Sylvestris, Calendula and many others, too many in reality but who can resist the seed catalogues.

In the courtyard area I have some large Italian terracotta pots planted with clipped box and numerous pots filled with Perlagoniums (this is France after all) plus around the terraces, I like to grow things like Verbena, Ageratum and patio Roses again in terracotta pots.

As you follow the path down from the courtyard toward the river which runs through the estate you come to a small stone herb planter from which the guests can help themselves.

This year I planted a hot border close to the old tobacco drying barn. Filled with Canna 'Phasion', Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff, Verbena Bonariensis and Ricinus, by August it had really developed into haven of lush, abundant growth filled with sumptuous colour.

Away from the buildings, there are large areas of lawn puntuated with fruit and walnut trees that offer pretty views of the Valley.

Photos provided by Rob Harrison, Le Banquet.

Also visit Rob's blog Our French Garden in the Beautiful Dordogne

~*Christmas Living Room/Dining Room*~

Good Saturday afternoon, dear blogging friends! I hope you all are doing well and are getting all of your last minute Christmas preparations done. We finished up Christmas shopping last night so now I'm going to have to get the gifts wrapped! We are having our family Christmas meal on Saturday, December 27th, so I actually have a few extra days to prepare.
Today's tour starts in our living's decorated pretty simply.

This little Santa is a favorite of was given to me last year by the woman I work for. He's from Maine.
Do you see that tiny little reindeer by the house? It's from my childhood...I treasure it because my dear Mom always put it out every year.
Our coffeetable.
We are now in the dining room.The hutch.
This little picture was a Christmas card we received this year...I thought it was so's glittery.

My drysink...since I didn't have enough candles I used ornaments instead.

Our coat rack.
This is my computer hutch were all of my blogging happens.
The top of the computer hutch.
I found this apothocary jar at TJ Maxx for $19.99! I wasn't going to buy it...I walked by it many times trying to decide what to do...I'm so glad I decided to get it. I can't wait to change it for the seasons.

And, last but not least, our Christmas tree. The only place we had for it was in the dining room. I'm looking for a new tree topper...I want to find a star.
This is my all-time favorite and treasured ornament. My dear Mom gave it to me when I was a little girl and it was always on our tree. Now that my Mom is in Heaven it's even more special to me...
Thank you so much for stopping by for this tour of my home...I appreciate all of your visits and comments so much! This may be my last post until after Christmas and our Christmas dinner on the 27th. Take care my dear blogging friends and may we all keep the true meaning of Christmas in our hearts year round.
Love to you all, Kim
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