

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

~* Thank U's and ?'s Answered *~

Hello friends, I'm sorry for the lack of posting and for not answering several questions that were asked regarding my last post. This has been a very busy week. I've been working on getting things cleaned and organized at our home. I've taken four bags of clothing that we no longer needed to a local charity. It feels good to let go of some clothing I've been holding on to way too long!
Wow, I am over-whelmed by the number of you sweet readers who have been leaving me comments....I'm even thankful for those of you who have stopped by and haven't ever said Hi...don't be shy, let me know you've been by! When I started this blog I honestly didn't think there would be anyone, besides a few of my friends, who would be interested in seeing what I'm doing around here...Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
Questions Answered:
Abbie wanted to know how I accomplished my mantel. First off, I looked through tons of magazines to find pictures of mantels so I would have an idea what I might like. Honestly, all of the credit really goes to our friend, Fran. I showed him pictures and told him what I wanted and that is what he came up with. He did all of the measuring, figuring, building, etc. He is one talented man!
Carolyn wanted to know if any of the logs in our home were visible. Unfortunately they are not. They only time I actually got to view them was when the windows were being replaced. I often wonder who built this home...I hope they know how much I love it here!
Unfortunately I do not have any pictures to post today. I'm planning on either doing a kitchen tour or showing you more outside pictures....hmmm, I guess you'll have to check back and see what I've chosen!
Have a great day!


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