

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Climate Change & Global Warming

There is not a lot to do in the garden right now so I thought I would make a few entries on environmental issues that should be of interest to home gardeners. It's easy to sit back in our nice cosy homes, flip on whatever lights we want and enjoy a few hours in front of the tube. If we are cold we can crank up the heat. If we are hungry we can open our huge for some of us well stocked from our

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Harvest Time

Wild TurkeyMany of the area farmers are taking advantage of the recent dry weather to harvest their fields. When the field behind us is harvested we never know what interesting critters will appear. I was out checking the greenhouse and garden beds last week to see what final winerizing was needed when I caught sight of a wild turkey in the field. After getting my husband to see the bird, I

Monday, November 6, 2006

Walking the Talk

'Every one of us can do something to protect and care for our planet. We should live in such a way that makes a future possible.'- Thich Nhat HanhEverything we do in life leaves some type of an impact on Mother Earth. As gardeners we are likely more aware of environmental issues than others. Still it saddens me when I hear some gardeners wanting the latest and quickest kill quick fix for even
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