

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seeing Red

Hello everyone,
       It is time to welcome February-the month of romance! 
These shots are just a little tribute to Valentine's Day.
This was my treat of the week today.
It was pretty much calorie free since I was going to eat the biscuit anyway and raspberries are fruit and I need to have a few servings a day of fruit to maintain good health so just a little whipped cream with a tablespoon of sugar or two-makes for a pretty good low calorie dessert wouldn't you say??? Ha!Ha!
It was good!
I am still seeing red!

I couldn't share red without showing my dishes again-could I?

Thank you for seeing my reds.

Take care,


While in the grocery store today, I literally stopped to smell the flowers.  They had some hyacinths there that smelled like spring.  I didn't pick one of those up, but I did get this pretty Primrose for only $1.98.

It is such a pretty flower.

I love the red color with the pop of yellow in the center.  Very cheery.

One. Dollar. Ninety. Eight. Cents.

Well worth it don't you think?

p.s.  don't forget to enter my County Home Magazine Giveaway.  You will find it, here.  Giveaway ends Feb. 2nd.

a busy first day

Well, our first full day was a busy one to be sure!  We shopped and shopped and shopped and then finally sat down for a delicious meal at one of our favorite spots to eat, the Spotted Pig.  We are off for more fun today, but thought we would share a few pics we snapped while out and about on the town all day yesterday!  Here's to another good day!

Any suggestions of somewhere we shouldn't miss while we are here?

Which would you choose?

Hi all...another post I prepared in advance, thankfully I had the gumption to think ahead as my brain has turned to mush lately:) I think the most exhausting part of the move is over and I am pacing myself and taking it slow, thanks so much for all of your kind comments,emails and messages! Its great to be home!! (and yes to many of you who asked I do have help, thanks)!

Well hello there! By now you know the drill...I set up a little scenario and you get to ponder and think about which one room you would most love to be in and would suit you best. Remember how everyone moved out to the patio from "that party" to carry the party outdoors? Well, its in full swing and there is no end in sight! In fact all those inside have decided to join you. Its a beautiful night under a clear moonlit sky but its getting nippy so your darling hubby suggests lighting a fire in the outdoor fireplace and roasting marshmallows....what a guy!! know what to do, pick your outdoor fireplace seating room! This is not an easy feat as there are so many lovlies here, good luck. Can't wait to see what you choose. I have my eye on two, and will be happy as a smores to be in either one of them! 
Here we go....

WARNING- Proceed with caution and at your own risk. Viewing these has been known to induce SDTMS (Sudden desire to make smores)!!


                                                                   CHOICE 2

                                                                 CHOICE 3










Tough choice, don't you think? I can't wait to see who the big winner is though there is truly something fabulous about each and every one. I would be thrilled to be in any of them hanging out with friends and family until the wee hours of the morning! Now its your turn tell me which would you choose? Have a marvelous day!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Tea Time

Hello everyone,
    It was a beautiful sunny day here today so I enjoyed a nice walk and a skate on the pond.
Of course, a cup of tea is in order after a some fresh air.
So,I dug out my blue and white china today.
The china I used today came from an antique shop that has since closed down.
And once again,they are not matching but co-ordinate well.
This is the teapot pattern-in case anyone wants to know.
Biscuits always go well with a good cup of tea.

My husband bought me some pretty white tulips.

I got this iron thingy at a thrift shop awhile ago.

/Can't believe we are almost into February and not a single snowstorm- what is the Island coming too!!!

I am joining Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday again this week.

Thank you for visiting,


Protecting Saved Seeds

As a home gardener I am also a seed saver.  Seeds can be saved from any plant but heirlooms are preferred as they breed true unlike seeds from hybrid plants.  Really from a genetic perspective if you cross two hybrids you have a 25% chance of the resulting plant being true for either of the homozygous traits but a 50% chance of it it being nothing like the parental plant.  I grow and save

New York!

We landed in New York yesterday and are already having the greatest time!  We will be finding lots of wonderful things to bring back for the store (and maybe a few for ourselves), as well as eating our way through this great city!  More to come...
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