

Monday, November 30, 2009

I will No Longer Shop Wal-Mart!

As ya'll know I didn't get to do much "Black Friday" shopping on my own as I can't deal with the crowds and apparently it was much worse than I thought. But I can still take advantage of the offers that don't all expire on that same day. I still did some shopping on Black Saturday I guess I'll call it because Toys R Us had their Black Friday deals for Friday and Saturday out here. I knew my

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Favorite Plant: A Sedge for the Edge

There are few plants in the garden that are virtually maintenance-free. My favorite foliage plant is carex hachijoensis 'Evergold' that can be used in sun or part shade, zones 5-10 and is both deer and rabbit resistant.

I have several varieties of carex in my garden, and 'Evergold' is the best for hot summer sun in my zone. The plants along my waterfall have been growing for four years and are shaded only in the late afternoon.

Other great sedges growing in my garden include Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga nishiki', Carex morrowii 'Silver Sceptre' and Carex testacea 'Orange New Zealand Sedge' - though all require more shade and less sun than 'Evergold'. Shade is rare in my young garden, so all of the sedges are having to tough it out while waiting for shade to grow! Nonetheless, they have been surviving these harsh conditions for several years.

While I have not cut back my sedges at all so far, they can be cut back in very early spring to prevent seed heads from forming. I have had no problem with reseeding, so I don't concern myself with this chore.

The sedges are growing in normal garden soil, moist soil and even wet soil, in my garden.

The graceful, large mounds are wonderful for ground cover as well as edging a garden or as an accent companion plant. The blooms of an orange rose really stand out against the backdrop of carex 'Evergold'.

The thin, colorful foliage works well with plants with wide leaves such as hosta (if you don't have deer) or calla lily (growing in the waterfall).

How much do I like carex 'Evergold'? Enough to recently plant an entire flat of it! More about that project in the future...

Words and photos by Freda Cameron; Home garden; all photos taken November 2009 unless otherwise indicated.

Friday, November 27, 2009

~*I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas*~

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...there really is so much to be thankful for!
There is nothing prettier than freshly fallen snow...thought you'd enjoy seeing some pictures from last year!

♥ Kim

Black Friday Shopping Failure

Well, this morning we woke at 4 am, got the hubby up at 4:30am and we were off. We had all intentions to do Black Friday shopping, course by the time we got to Wal-Mart he had to find a spot so he dropped me off up front. I went immediately for the toy section, now what I did not know was they would move all the toys that were in the sale ad to the food section. So I searched and search, by the

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday Plan of Attack

Am I going shopping on Black Friday? Of course I am, I have four kids and know when you need to shop for bargains. This is the best and worst time of year to shop, best because of the deals, worst because of the rude behavior that will surely be displayed.Twittermoms asked the readers: "What is your form of attack on Black Friday?" So here it is:1. Buy a paper today, which is Thanksgiving in

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a happy, safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

No School

Kids had no school today, so what did that mean? It meant no one slept in, not even mommy. Oooh, and here I thought I'd get to sleep. However, SoccerBoy did decide to make HUGE pancakes for me and his siblings to eat. They were good and fluffy, I think he's turning into a fine chef but I won't tell him that just yet.The kids quickly cleaned the house so we could do some arts and crafts, after

Have you heard of Automated Man?

Okay first I'm not trying to say there is an automatic man out there that'll do everything for you that you could possibly think of. Get your mind out of the gutters, you know they won't scrub every dish for ya. hehe. A friend of mine introduced me to a new site, "The Automated Man" that I think I'd really use once the kids get a bit older. But I know I have a few friends out there that could

Wordless Wednesday: Boy & his Puppy

Little A got this is in the mail from IKEA, you can win one if you head over to Babylune and enter the IKEA Soft Toy Giveaway. Ends Dec 5, 2009. HURRY!! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

~*Happy Thanksgiving*~

♥ Kim
Dear blogging friends...I am so sorry for my lack of posts...I've had some issues with my camera card and haven't replaced it yet...I hope to have something to show you soon!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

5 Holidays Activities To Do with Your Kids

Oh I love the holidays, especially the ones in fall and yes I do mean from Halloween on. It seems like such a magical time of year. Doesn't it? Twittermoms and Nickelodeon want to know what are some of your 5 activities you do for the Holidays with your kids. The contest, for those that want to take part is part of the Dora Christmas Carol Contest. Got any special traditions?1. Get a form of

Monday, November 23, 2009

The YoBaby Winner is...

I used the to pick my number and the winner is.......#9.....When my son was six months old, the entrie car of people had to sing"Bingo" nonstop on a four-hour car ride. Every time we stopped, he cried!#posted by JulieMoe : 7:11 PM Congratulations Julie, I'll be emailing you in just a moment please watch for

Build-a-Bear: Frosty the Snowman Giveaway

I have always loved watching the old classic Christmas Cartoon, "Frosty the Snowman." You know where the kids are all building a snowman and find that black hat and placed it on top of the snowman and he came to life shouting, "Happy Birthday!" Remember it? I have that movie now and every year (currently every day) my kids watch it, some even cry during parts because I have a few that are really

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend Round-up

Went Out DrinkingOkay first, the hubby and I went out Friday night to a local bar and I must say we rather enjoyed ourselves. It's a quiet little place that doesn't hold very many people and most of those that go seem to be the older crowd so you don't get a bunch of loud people. The music they had there was country, which fits me perfectly. I had two beers and a white russian, but I noticed a

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jiffy Lube Gift Card Giveaway

How many of you know what it is like to have something go wrong during a road trip or even just driving to the store when the weather has changed and become all snowy? I remember the first time moving out to North Carolina we went to visit family and of course we moved during Christmas time which meant hitting all types of snowy weather. We learned how NOT to put chains on a tire and there were

I Can Dig It, He Can Dig It, We Can Dig It (The Garden Edge)

Six inches of rain and the ground was soft. Nature provided the perfect condition for digging a nice, clean edge around the outer gardens. I got out the flat blade shovel and started cutting straight down through the grass to dig out a perfect edge. Only 160 feet. No problem. I was enjoying the cooler temps and misty days for this task. The lyrics to Grazing in the Grass kept playing in my head as I made fast progress. I can dig it!

I was having great fun and was more than halfway around the garden when... along came my dear husband who had just finished up his daily five-mile run. I ran/walked/cycled last week. Enough of that - I was getting "real exercise" by gardening again.

Obviously, my task looked either too difficult and he felt like he should help... or, it looked like too much fun and he was missing out.

I'm not sure which it was, but he can dig it, too... only, he wanted to add a stone edging inside my perfect trench! My husband has been after me for three years to add a stone edging. I didn't want to spend the money. Call me cheap, but I just didn't see the benefit.

He persisted. I agreed, but said that I wanted to use square pavers and place them below the grass level to create a mowing strip. We had to dig the trench deeper as well as wide enough for us to work with pavers. We can dig it!

At the hardware store, he found a different cast concrete edging that he decided would look better and loaded up the cart with forty (yes, 40) "samples" to take home. That's a forty foot long sample! He removed twenty pieces at my request (pitiful begging). He said the edging matched the stone in our chimney, foundation and fence columns. True. He immediately laid the twenty stones in a section of the trench and declared the result to be fantastic.

At this point, I realized that he'd made up his mind and I was just going to have to surrender control of my project. Okay, I'll admit it. He was right and he was helpful... but, I really could have done this all by myself!

I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig it
They can dig it, you can dig it
Oh, let's dig it
Can you dig it, baby

- lyrics by The Friends of Distinction

Words and photos by Freda Cameron; Home garden; November 2009; Lyrics referenced - The Friends of Distinction.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Livingroom : Same room with Different looks !

I am amazed at how different color schemes and room accents can transform any room ! Even with the same basic furniture, a living room can speak of different personalities and influences. The set of pictures I am putting up today shows how a simple living room with existing furniture consisting of three seater sofa and a modern coffee table and lamp, can be transformed to look elegant, stylish, bohemian, shabby chic, contemporary etc.

These pictures are bound to inspire you and the combination of colors are stunning to say the least. Look closely and you might just be able to create your perfect design for a living room.

The Romantic Elegant

This setting is uber stylish, lush and romantic. The beautiful shade just brightens up the room with blood red as the focal color the whole setting is just sparkling and eclectic in its feel.

I love the beveled mirror and the fab rug !!

The Kitschy Dynamic

If you love dynamic then this is just that !! The pattern, vibrancy and truly eclectic combination of colors gives the room a real edge. The atmosphere is so cheery and the selection of artifacts is truly unique. Each and every corner has its own story to tell.

This room is not for the ordinary and it speaks volumes about style and personality !

The Pure and Meditative

You love the look of white ! The color is sleek as well as sophisticated and with just the right amount of creativity and interesting mix of pieces the whole look can be awe inspiring. The room is in some ways pure and meditative with the monochromatic scheme weaving magic here !

The mannequin and the little pig in white are such interesting focal pieces !

The Casual Contemporary

This casual contemporary and totally modern take on the living room is fantastic ! The laid back and easy going attitude is easily showcased, and very carefully created by an interesting mix of medium. We have here blown up art and black ceramic vases with unique wooden art thrown it too. The color orange is known as a color for joy and conveys sociability and confidence.

The sheer riot of colors in this room makes it one of my favourite here !

The Classic Elegant

This look is just so different from the one above that its difficult to imagine that the existing furniture are the same. The whole look is elegant and almost bordering on formal. The clean lines and classic furniture give the room a modern and sharp look.

The wooden coffee table balances the black and white furniture perfectly to make it harmonious.

The Vibrant Whimsical

The color scheme here is that of black and white but with teal blue in the background. Teal is by far one of the most vibrant colors..and makes for some very uncommon but beautiful combination. The black and white echoed in the frames, rug and cushion adds to the vibrancy to the room and adds to the visual appeal !

The arrangement of frames on the wall is so curious and add a certain whimsy to the whole room !

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"FALL" into CHRISTMAS EVENT....Literally

What a glorious day! Warm, for Chicago standards..........sunny and genuinely happy. The first tour of my home at our event called "Fall into Christmas". My house was decorated for fall, and the shop, Christmas. Almost 100 attended. To those held up by the bus service, please accept my apology. First time events usually have learning curves.  

So......... welcome!

Located in Wayne, IL., a rural suburb of Chicago, steeped in tradition, particularly an equestrian history. Our home received a plaque in 1999, being the second oldest home in our village, 1856.

View out my window this week

Mind if I take you through the questions asked and comments overheard?

Q;  Gas lamps! Is that original?
A;  No, after a trip to Savannah, Ga. I was able to convince my husband Steve, we NEEDED them, yes, he installed them. Lamps by Bevolo.

Q; Where did you find ALL this beautiful wood paneling?
A; It is not wood but the completed Faux Bois finish from my talented artist friend Patrick Rouillier, finishing touches such as accessories/lighting to come....

  Yes, that is a close-up of painted drywall, all by hand

Foyer before.

Master Bedroom
Q;  What a huge room!
A;   Well, in the 40's this was the showroom for custom women's clothing. I found a business card when remodeling and had it framed;

Love that "the large selection of smart and inexpensive cottons" went from size 10-20!  $10.95 and up, nice!

master bedroomn
-hand painted chest from Sweden

Q;  Who did this kitchen?
A;   Steve.........completely gutted, walls were removed and pushed back, floors; hand planed oak floors by Ridgefield Lumber, cabinets; actually a grey/green, built by Steve. I love having "throw back your body" and relax in comfortable upholstered chairs in a kitchen.

   Q; What are these counter-tops?
A;  Jerusalem Limestone. Personally like the honed versus shiny look, will mark but that only adds to the patina!

Crazy for nooks with built in benches, great for extra storage and another opportunity for soft goods
Q;  Are these the original floors?
A:  EGADS! no!! When the linoleum was scrapped off we found mouse eaten wooden floors repaired in spots with flattened tin cans, circa 1920's.
Current floors are oak (could not afford the walnut I liked), hand planed edges and many a chain, boulders and hammer throws later has a mellow aged look.

The number one conversation piece, the AGA stove and surrounding "cast"
Q;  What is that stove and is it hard to use, there are no controls?!
A;  once an AGA, always an AGA. emits non-stop warmth, easy to use once you learn how, better energy wise since it is always on and so well insulated it demands less
Q:  It is warm and love it now, what do you do in the summer?
A;  that is the best part.........i turn it off in July and up the grill or make reservations!

Q:  Where did you find that old mantle to perfectly fit the stove?
A;  Steve made it from dirty, dry, old barnwood. My Stones polish turned it into clean, soft, "butter" without sanding.

Q;  What is Stephanie's oil painting on and can you clean it?
A;  Masonite. and yes, it is washable 

Part of the other foyer (I know, old small houses have floor plans that do not make sense, that's the charm!)

Another view

Q;  What is upstairs? (STAIRS WERE BLOCKED)

A;  another bedroom/bath turned into aspiring home office..................want a peek? Less horrifying via photo

agghhhemm.....throat clearing here. Combination of 'perpetual disorder syndrome' and "OMG, PEOPLE ARE COMING WHERE SHOULD I SHOVE THIS??!!"

Should I be embarrassed?

Now, this is a beautiful office and belongs to the lovely and talented Brooke of one of my fav blogs; Velvet and Linen. In responding to her post I enquired "where are the piles, the equipment?!" She graciously responded;
  • baskets contain some of the electronics
  • use the "touch-it-once" rule, that is deal with it at the moment
  • if you cannot handle it the first time, put in one basket. As her basket mounts, she disciplines herself to sit down and tackle it.
"Brooke, want to come help?" "Aren't you just dying to leave sunny California for grey Chicago?"
I have a long way to go but her advice resonates in my head constantly........

Living Room conversation area; two chairs pulled up for fireside chats. There is the dreadful chair that needs to be re-upholstered. 

I hate my drapes...........too busy and jarring for my current taste..........BUT, I SPENT A FORTUNE! Linen would suit me just fine

  A new favorite, still in living room and just to the left of the previous picture. LEE, INDUSTRIES, settee and leather ottoman under the table.  (we are a distributor)

Q; Where is the dining room?
A;  Happily, gone!. The dedicated space for a dining room, adjacent to the above and now a "reading" room or "great for party conversation" room, functioned as a "pass-thru". The above table is late 1800's France. The beautiful herringbone patterned top holds a surprise; two built in leaves that pull out, rise to meet the top and can seat 10, easily. A few bits of furniture are set-aside and we dine near the fireplace.

Living/dining/reading/conversation rooms

Q: What are the wall colors?
A;  'Greenfield Pumpkin' by Benjamin Moore Aura collection.
Color is to me a personal decision. Ask yourself:
  • What colors do you look good in, tend to wear often?
  • What emotions do colors bring out in you? Example; My colors bring out the emotion "warm and cozy", that makes me feel good, reflects my love of Autumn and colors I wear.
  • My friend Linda loves grey's, blues and cream. I believe she has used the words "soothing and calming", plus, she looks beautiful in those colors.
For the BEST source on color visit Maria's blog 'Colour Me Happy', she is brilliant!!

Going towards the Den

Q; Who's wallpaper is this?
A;  Brunschwig and Fils 

  Q;  Were the beams, beadboard and wrap-around shelf always here?
   A;  No, Steve again

  Den still.........
Q;  Why does that table have a crank?
 A;  Glad you asked! Came from a bakery in France. The handle connected to a slatted tray on the bottom. Prior to a glass top it perfectly held baguettes. As the supply diminished patrons would turn the handle bringing the bread within easy reach

Q;  What was that lamp?
A;  A fire extinguisher from Italy

Q;  Why all the "dog" antiques and no dogs?
A;   Because my Corgi's; Cooper, on the left (Cardigan Corgi) and Woofie (Pembroke Corgi) are VERY NAUGHTY AND ILL MANNERED. XXOO......They went to the barn.

Q;  How old is the barn?
  A; Not old, maybe 12 years

Q;  Who built it?
 A;  Steve, all by hand, excluding the concrete floor

 Let's pop outdoors for just a peek
Q;  What is that structure out there?
 A;  An architectural element I designed AND Steve built

Q;  What an unusual birdhouse, where did you get that?
 A;  At the shop, Steve builds them.......come on! I designed that too!

Q; What is your driveway, brick?
A;  Yes, and they are vintage street bricks from Chicago. And yes, if anyone noticed my firm did the landscape AND the brick driveway....not Steve

Just want to give you a glimpse of our new pool surround my landscape firm just completed. Want you to see my favorite components together; vintage street brick, "full range" bluestone and limestone. Here let me just back up, just a step or two more, almost................BAM! SCREAM!!!

The latest in fashion forward minded severed, tone-on-tone, CAM-WALKER with AIR-INFLATOR, for your comfort by the push of a blue button! Remember the post on WELLIES? The one with all the options, styles, colors? is my new seasonal little number.......sigh..........

Think I had a premonition? A premonition when I called this event FALL into Christmas?

Lastly, here are some snaps of the shop decorated for Christmas by our very talented staff. Thank you Sarah, Vicky, Susan, Diane, Jenna and Maria!


All Santa's handmade by Dee Gann


NEST candles, the holiday scent is the best! Heard the Godiva Chocolate NEST candles just arrived!


  • the "smalls" in my home, where they came from and what they mean to me
  • portrait of the artist.....Patrick Rouillier, back from will be amazed, promise!
thank you for visiting!

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